Creep. And you're my age too...
You weren't raised rite... sorry...
"It's Just A Ride"
Age 29
is crap(V.O.P.)
Where the ionsAreNegative
Joined on 5/23/08
Creep. And you're my age too...
You weren't raised rite... sorry...
No i wasnt. But ill always will b half as human, but twice the man you'll ever be, child
that guy who defies gravity is me.
All bow to the deffier of physics
Your news post sucks. at least mine is deep yours is just pure shit. Go blow your cock fuckhole!
Its two sentences. And It just talks about how 'hardcore' you are and how dark and deep you are in your shitty poetry you call shakespeare wen its really trash mixed with fecile matter dumped into an island of more trash! Now that my frend, is deep
omg i cant belief you would even say wouldnt know poetry if it stucks its penis in your vagina. i wish you 10 year olds would get off newgrounds and go gte potty trained or somthing. you're a retarded!!!
lmao dude pick up a grammar book and use inslts that make sense dumbtard. Your poetry is like a plague, it spreads and spreads and spreads but duz no gud to anybody. It harms and makes pepol stupid like an ignorant pastor, your anger is like a bofire, it will burn and light up, but in the end, no ne cares about the fire itself, wile you slowly burn out, pepol are having a good time around you, you just lite up for they can be noticed in the dark, you are spit in the mouth of poetry, you are chewed up food in vomit, and you are less than zero, and i am one.
So fuck off loser, i got 99 problenms, and you bitch, aint one
(suck that, angst loser poser bitch)
dont even try poetry on me becuz you dont kno how to do it and ive been doin it since i was a kid. that shit didnt even make sense. and my grammar is fine but you need to learn how to do poetry cuz YOU SUCK at it! Im serious!
Ask a judge read my writing and ask a stranger. Any of these 3 can see the difference between your poetry and REAL poetry. there is all kinds of poetry, i dont label myself i let others do it. If I do it myself I give myself too much credit and dont let myself learn. Listen up lil boy cause your guna get taught. I aint a teacher or a role model but you are a kid whos lost in himself. Who put himself on a pedestal that "i am dark and this makes me special "wen in the real world, no one gives a SHIT. So go ahead, dwell in your little world, praise yourself and call yourself Great, wen in reality, we all no the truth, you have a small wiener :P
how is it posible to have so many coments?
Haterz lov me
Believe it or not some get theses many in a day!
Out of the majority who have posted on here so far how many posters would you say made some distasteful comments before having it removed?
I remove no comments. If its here its here to stay. No matter how dumb or mean, its been marked.Its one of the things that make me that freakin amazing
shut up you don't know anything about poetry and thats as clear as a mirror to me. ive already submited some of my poetry to websites and people have said im BRILLIANT and they want to PUBLISH ME! pull your head out of your ass for 2 seconds and you mite learn somethin from me.
ooh scary(sarcastic exclamation mark)
and i have a bigger weiner than anybody you know, thats for darn shure!
yeah you wud know how big your wiener is to comparison of other wieners you've seen. I mean, if your gay, go ahead. Your butthole. strech it like you like
you do know I was trying to troll by asking that question but I failed
Yeah, i know. you can repay me l8r wen we're in sweet bliss and ecstasy
my butthole doesnt stretch OK my weiner does. but you dont kno anything about weiners anyway
I consider myself more of the boob expert fag bag
you dont know anything about boobs either. i have boobs that i can play with all day long
man titties dont count, fat-ass
no they belong to a girl and im not fat im solid muscle. i bench 100 pounds like its nothing. you probly dont even kno how to bench DICK!
Sadly, i cant bench that much yet. yo got me there, but at least !Im honest, i dont lie about myself, becuz then that wud be my weakness and my lost-of-touch with reality. So go fuck your ugly gf becuz even they need love. Becuz im danicos, i am poor, broke, and have too many problems no uman person shud ever go thru. You think you git problems? i say BS. So fuck you and your''poetry''. I write art, not murder, you write manure on the bck of a flies head and go around saying your stinky writing is genuine. Go ahead. You make me look, EVEN better bitch tits
add me then frend
Welcome, to the club of extraordinay men. Your duty is to...Fuck it,D wat frends do, watch my back and have a fucking great time! Enjoi yur stay homeboi
Exactly youre weak and pathetic. and shes not my fucking girlfreind shes just a girl that lets me play with her boobs and whatever else i want to do and shes the hottest girl in my school. you know how i got her wrapped around my finger? she loves my fucking poetry. proof that my poetry is superior to yours and anyone you know.
Dude, your all poof no proof. and yeah, shes the hottest gurl there, at your all boys skool, just remember, men have feelings too. So tell him that next time "She" is pulling your hair
apologize or my news post stays
then it stays ass sucker. be prepared to feel my rash!
Thats wat se said
rath i mean
Oh thank you for clearing that open dickface
wtf is an open dickface? you dont even know how to name call properly noob
lol typos always make up great insults
Seriously. I just left a post after almost a year, and it gets a comment 30 seconds later?!?
I work fast, And dont waste a single drop