Hello,I am Danni Cosio(danicos,Cosio,Coyotz) But All my freinds say it with an "A"(Casio)no not Caiso...(So dont try to B a smart-ass)I live In San Francisco,CA(No I don`t live in dat Castro)I live in A nice home,Sometimes there are shootings,but its tha best place to be in 4th of July.I have made quite a few freinds here on Newgrounds,But as always,there R ppl who are jerks.I`ll soon upload a picture of me.(when I find my camera,of course)
This post will answer UR questions(so dont B afraid to ask,And dont ask me a retarded question like Y R U so gay or some other verbal bullshyit),There`s been some skeptisism' of me,Is he Black,Is that guy wite,No I`m latino,This might be my last post 'till,well who knows!(ME) This post will explain who I Be-freinded & who be-freinded me and more shit like dat(Iono) Starting off, with Ughanation..(post will be edited,on several occasions..And I mean several)
ughanation:A freind of mine Who`s helping me on a flash(cumin' out soon)He also sends me spoofs and I help on animation!I send him songs in exchange,he`s a good freind even though I`m never gonna meet him.Anyway,check out this badass!
ultimatetailsfan:wonder y thats his username?anywayHes one of my few canadian freinds.Even though I think making freinds over the internet is kinda pointless without meeting them,I think it can be feasable.And I still doubt hes my father,I know,A classic Darth Vader And Luke moment,Just imagine tha kids on The Maury Show feel.
JustAnotherUser:I don`t realli know how to describe him inna few word,but here goes... He`s,german,lazy and spends quite some time on newgrounds^^ oh and plays STALKER quite too often, i'd saythat's about it, i guess^^,would you know I could`ve!
big-jake69 :Ahh big-jake,We have fun,We throw each other blows at times but hes still cool And broke tha G.O.W2 disk bECAUSE it kept frezzing on him.
Hes a good pal, Even though hes a geek sumtimes.Good luck with UR diabetes man.much lov
lunardragon96: A bigger blogger than ilkecheeseboy96,He knows a lot making good .gifs! He believes he`s destined 2 become a great ninja!black belt or not!I think street boxing is still awesome!
jonathandeg2:one of the 2 people I convinced to get a Newgrounds account!He is my (non)-internet freind!who I convinced to get a newgrounds account.He still doesnt get some of the shit here on NG,So pm him and help him out.And If U fuck around with him,let`s just say,mess with a mamas bears cub ANd U get UR dick cut off>:)
killer789: A guy that likes to do spam number/letter pics like this ______________ .s$$_________
____s$ _______________s$$$?______s__
___s$³ ______________.s$$$_____.s$,
___s$$³ _____________s$$$$³______.s$__
_.$$³ ________, ____$$$$$.______s$³__
__³$ ________$___$$$$$$s_____s$³___
__³, _______s$___³$$$$$$$s___$$$, `
____.. _______$$____³$$$$$$s.__³$$s__
___, , ________³$.____³$$$$$$$s_.s$$$_
_________³$$s____$$$$$s$$$$__ s$$
______s.__$$$$___s$$$$$$$$³_.s $$³__
______³§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§³ (he spends way much more time here on
________³§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§³___newgro unds than me)
_________________³§³ and more crap like that!
evil-marshmallow :some guy who looks like a nerd(not realli him)And likes World of Warcraft
...A lot...Though I think he`s a faggle
ngfan14 : some girl who posted here once,AND as of yesterday,twice..Ooh...plus her videos R very retospectic, &if UR high,it seems like this,this light invites U into that world where U can fly!like the seen where Kenny goes to heaven and gets rejected!either way,go 2 third street and get some of that good shit Martinez just scored!U won`t regret it!!
Duiliath :like killer789 but can do names and is much better than him and anyone I know!
Oh and Duliath is his real name.He wrote my name!Post Three!(if U wanna see it go there or PM me.
nggangsterpimp :This is an easy one.A lot of U may know him,He also goes by da name,UMD! as tha founder of those videos,UMD!.......PSP,got it
hunte3r:or is it hunt3er?either who This man is the leader of the CPSO( CANADIAN PIE STEALING ORGANIZATION)of Canada,I too am a member of this organization,and is obbsess`d with wrestling,Which iz awesome!But its ppl like bigmac990 who gotta say its fake & kills the moment! !He also gets F`s in skool!
1337leader:I dunno,Just go to her userpage if U want to kno dat bad
Zero123Music:Tha best dam audio artist I kno,But Y dont U got any of his songs U say?Oh but I do!See U R here ya bastad!
nirvelyar :A freind/author,From U.K thats obbsesed with Kranny Bars.He is Car-azzy!
TonnFuIp :NO not TOM Fulp,but his Xtremely hot sister,TONN Fulp She could**** a****
and still****** my fave move of hers is tha ********* ^-^
These R just a few of the freinds I made Here on newgrounds,but......
In tha realm of making freinds,There R always enemys,........(or,"The Jackass List")
rtb427:rtb427,send him a message,waz a real dick about it.I warned him not to call me shit and I snapped! called him
an asshole and stuff.Apparently not knowing what idrfc makes me a stupid 9-year old.(if U wanna know wat it means,just ask,I wont call U a dumbass!So were at war And I promised to make a flash (umin out soon2-14-2009)
Phill Collins(philjc):I`m really not enemies with him,Even though he's a total jackass,I love his Ray flashes!
TheSilverGuitar: Some idiot who I trolled,Then he trolled me then He blocked me then his gay-ass kept posting on my userpage then now we`re ignoring each other but is still considered a hollow jackass....Now he still hates me, but my troll!But c'mon, He doesnt kno me,Its a god-damn computer, not a fuckin webcam or some other electronic shit!
ChDonga: some retard who thinks he is "all dat",hes a fuckin idiot!!And no albino titan,We`re not enemys,Hes just an asshole,UR such a god-damn square!
Soon I`m putting a picture of myself up there(as a matter of fact,I have) and whatever!And if U wanna be up here,Ask! more coming soon
And My favorite Band!there movie came out today,Or last year!whatever!<div class="blogmedia">
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And my fvorite song of My Chemical Romance(Again,the song), the video is...its kinda creepy,But if U don`t like it,Don`t tell me!
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And tupac is the shit!R.I.P. Brotha!
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Here it is!My favorite Rock song!It waz pretty hard 2 find since everyone who submitted this video disabled the embeded code!well! here it is,The great sounding of Audioslave
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Its a Party!
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I can relate to this
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Turrets isnt Funny,but Danny is....
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Danny,UR opinions of the goverment makes me see What UR talking about,Everyone,I leaned something today,And its this!
Ever played something that sounds great with something else..But first,If U think UR drivers ed teacher waz an idiot.U`ll get a load of this!
This chick is crazy!and by the way I see of the ppl reviewing,They dont even watch it,They idioically post,If UR reading thizz,UR freakin welcome! <div class="blogmedia">
<!-- Video embed code - don't edit this, or it will break and you'll have this ugly stuff in your blog post! -->
<div id="embed_48441">.</div>
<script type="text/javascript">/* <![CDATA[ */ $('embed_48441').update(new FlashWriter('http://www.youtube.com/v/
PUK-YmGuZjI&hl=en&fs=1', 464, 305).ToString()); /* ]]> */ </script></div>
I Dunno....
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Another Goddamn List....
These R the ppl who (I know) blocked me!
.......................**TheSilverGuit ar....................................
.......................darknessdweller ......................................
...................Aaron Worrall (NegativeONE).........................
...................................joe lasticot..............................
...................................The ReturnOfTomsPulp
..K evnSevn
There were more,I 4got!
*ppl whove unbanned me!
**the ones who re-banned me
/* */
I cant find da actual music vid.
hmm,usualli have more by now