hardy ha har
Its funny the first few seconds. Then nagain the rest is lol
hardy ha har
Its funny the first few seconds. Then nagain the rest is lol
We`re all bored!
AAAH! get it off,get it off!
Lol.This amuses me
U must continue with this! But english would be nice though
I mean I`m just saying,right?!
I played it back a few times and noticed,they fall diffrently G.A.S.P!
Lol, thanks...most people didn't read the coments so i ahve an almost failing scroe. Do you have any ideas ta i should incorparate....i have already strated on the code for the mouse to control te viewpoint.
thats not funny thats just hilarious!
but sad...not the suicide the desperate need to post!
I'm not going to respond to this.
thank you for your comment and rating on this video
take a few shots,keep pressing the start button non-stop and WOOW!
Fight the Power!Vive la Resistance
Fight the machines,fight the chinese goverment!But dont fight in what U believe!BuT Fight 4 it!!! I waz moved,FUCK YEAH!
viva la resistance!
not until I get my r1ghtz
sorry but there are a lot of submissions on newgrounds and not all of them can make em.Look we need less ppl spamming this wonderful; site.4 gods sake we need to increase da blamming score!seriously GAHHH! Though it waznt that bad.Just really random
Shut the fuck up dumb ass.
"It's Just A Ride"
Age 29
is crap(V.O.P.)
Where the ionsAreNegative
Joined on 5/23/08