"It's Just A Ride"

Age 29


is crap(V.O.P.)

Where the ionsAreNegative

Joined on 5/23/08

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danicos's News

Posted by danicos - July 9th, 2009

The original posting here was removed for personal reasons. Apperently gurls in the real world get freaked out wen they see this on google wen they google ur alias
So suck it

Answer me this

Posted by danicos - June 8th, 2009

Thats rite I`m back!You Miss me?No.well,anyway....This time I am here,to stay
I really dont have anything to say......
So I decided to make a post,about previous posts:D!And more things
And yes,I ripped this off two other users who made something like this.(though U guys dont really care)I`ll go from first to last. Call me a stoopid,rascist, or gay and I laugh at UR pity!!
I have no shame.I fake guilt and every now and then.I flirt till it isnt funny anymore and laugh!
So here it begins:

Here I basically say hi.I waz really unknown 4 a two week post.I waz humiliated by the community .This waz no.1

Numba two: I waz just making conversation!:P

This was fun....
but just sad.I had to get it out!

I just saw,Saw!.Confusing?No.
You dont like it?Go fuck URself

This shits looong!
My most famous and popular post.Dont like it,huh?Tell me here!Call me an attention whore And I lol at your jealousy

I have hobbies too you know
We ended up in third place.We also got the(get this)The Best sportsmanship award.yep.I nice way to say You Suck!

Go Shawty! Its My Birthday!

Music Post :These fascinate me. Arousel

I was mocking religion,in general
May Your God be with You!

Note:Dont be afraid to post!(any)

TO THE PEOPLE ON NEWGROUNDS!we get it,There is now an art portal,We got it the first 80 posts you people made about it.When the staff declared it..When Peolpe started telling me to check out their art. Stop making post about the damn portal.Your hype is just killing the epicness Those doushbags made.The Art is nice.But unless,your making the art!Stop,posting UR bullshit posts and make some other crappy post that You would feel better about.God!You people are starting to really suck.

OMG! I made another post on a post about posts.Epic.

They say once you go black,you cant go back,Pff,tell that to the Whacko Jacko
It is just to bad you paid 20 million dollars in settling money when the catholic church does it for free.
you were a crazy mo-fo!crazy,confused,weird,but still awesome
R.I.P. M.Jackson..If only the boys felt the same.

And Farrah Fosset,you couldnt weait after I became a famous celebrity to die.*sigh*Rest,peacefully in your grave,baby.We will miss you both.....

Now Billie Mays!Daym!.You Didnt see that coming,huh?Rest in Peace Billie,Your soap was amazing!July 21,1958-June 28,2009

Also ughanation is the coolest guy you'll ever meet. :D

Andrea364, my only Fan!XD.Thats rite,I have many friends and enemies,and only 1 fan
UPDATE!PandaBearKitten's account has been deleted!I feel no remorse. He had it coming!! Probably pissed off one of the mods.or Wade!

In other news!Hunte3r,is back!My lil nazi hater is back,no fag!
Pregnant bitches!

Now this Song helped me through the crap times of my life
And now! a video of Blink 182!Who cares? I do!

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No rapper can refuse putting ho's in their videos
But just watch it..It is thee truth

Hey,look Its Tom!The tank awards should have given you a razor!

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lol, Sprite-Harvester thinks I'm a pedoXD

This is proof of the worlds first sex-slave

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Re-cap on thines news(EPIC)a ae

Posted by danicos - May 26th, 2009

U rock!
Its gonna be a while till I make something interesting


Posted by danicos - April 28th, 2009

My birthday is on the 11th.I`m getting more mature.yet,old.yep.A day closer to death..Then,maybe then I can get some closure And unwind
The big one-four.awesome......

YYYYYYYYYYyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyYYYY YYYyyyyyyyyyyyyyYY
YYYYYYYYYyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
YYYYYYYYYyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy yyyyyyyyyyyyyyYYYY
YYYYYYYYYyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy yyyyyyyYYYYYYYYYYY
YYyyYYYYYYYyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy yyyYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY
YyyyyyyyyyYYYyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy yyyyyyYYYYYYYYYYYY
yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy yyyyyyyyYYYYYYYYYY
YYyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyYyyyyyyyyyyyyy yyyyyyyyyyYYYYYYYY
YYYYYYYYyyyyyyyyyyyyyyYYyyyyyyyyyyyyy yyyyyyyyyyYYYYYYYY
YYYYYYYYYYYYYyyyyyyyYYYYyyyyyyyyyyyyy yyyyyyyyyyYYYYYYYY


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Hey guess what? I got food poisoning on my birthday around one! Now I`m a fine chato!:D
Wanna gimme something! Do You? Great, vote positive on all my reviews!

Not that anyone   cares,but...

Posted by danicos - March 27th, 2009

Hello Everyone.It`s That time of year again, Baseball season has come up! I hope we win this year again!Though I couldnt play The first two games,We lost our first one by a long-shot,Hell the girls(softball team) did better than us and I fought a kid who pissed me off when he kept kicking my belly.I punched that Creden So hard,The only bruise I got is the one on my knuckle!But I dont encourage fighting,Kids,fight ONLY If U got to.,And The second game is goin on as I type.I am No.7,so If UR in the Area(When we have our home games) Go out there and meet me while shouting from the stands "danicos rulezz!!!!!!"I have a lot of ambition Though I kinda suck at fielding,So I am second base And I gotta powerful Arm.Miss me when I am goe

Back to baseball......ugh.......Oh da teams name is the VOP Angels.Kinda Gay rite?I am a goo ass batter, but a sucky outfielder.I am second base because I failed as a catcher And those kids from Oakland killed Us!But Thing is,I have a life,And I want to live it!!!!!!Cause life is too short behind a Comp.
I am not Saying that U guys don`t have a life(Unless U really dont,Sorry :/ )But I am just saying that

There is more to life than newgrounds and that shit myspace.
I bid U farewell,newgrounds,I will miss U guys.My freinds, my buddies, my troll,And everyone else who reads,Goodbye!I`ll keep U guys up to date on my victories and my losses! 4 the spiritsmay B with me,4 da hearts of la raza guide me!I will miss this site,everyone else,move!I`ll leave U a momento, A batter.what the fuck am I saying!I wont B gone long!!I just wanna post that I made it o n tha baseball team and I seek to kill in da games!!!Oh I will be here soon to respond to comments an such

Wish me luk.^-^

Baseball is Killing me!!/Bye Newgrounds

Posted by danicos - January 6th, 2009

Hello,I am Danni Cosio(danicos,Cosio,Coyotz) But All my freinds say it with an "A"(Casio)no not Caiso...(So dont try to B a smart-ass)I live In San Francisco,CA(No I don`t live in dat Castro)I live in A nice home,Sometimes there are shootings,but its tha best place to be in 4th of July.I have made quite a few freinds here on Newgrounds,But as always,there R ppl who are jerks.I`ll soon upload a picture of me.(when I find my camera,of course)
This post will answer UR questions(so dont B afraid to ask,And dont ask me a retarded question like Y R U so gay or some other verbal bullshyit),There`s been some skeptisism' of me,Is he Black,Is that guy wite,No I`m latino,This might be my last post 'till,well who knows!(ME) This post will explain who I Be-freinded & who be-freinded me and more shit like dat(Iono) Starting off, with Ughanation..(post will be edited,on several occasions..And I mean several)

ughanation:A freind of mine Who`s helping me on a flash(cumin' out soon)He also sends me spoofs and I help on animation!I send him songs in exchange,he`s a good freind even though I`m never gonna meet him.Anyway,check out this badass!

ultimatetailsfan:wonder y thats his username?anywayHes one of my few canadian freinds.Even though I think making freinds over the internet is kinda pointless without meeting them,I think it can be feasable.And I still doubt hes my father,I know,A classic Darth Vader And Luke moment,Just imagine tha kids on The Maury Show feel.

JustAnotherUser:I don`t realli know how to describe him inna few word,but here goes... He`s,german,lazy and spends quite some time on newgrounds^^ oh and plays STALKER quite too often, i'd saythat's about it, i guess^^,would you know I could`ve!

big-jake69 :Ahh big-jake,We have fun,We throw each other blows at times but hes still cool And broke tha G.O.W2 disk bECAUSE it kept frezzing on him.
Hes a good pal, Even though hes a geek sumtimes.Good luck with UR diabetes man.much lov

lunardragon96: A bigger blogger than ilkecheeseboy96,He knows a lot making good .gifs! He believes he`s destined 2 become a great ninja!black belt or not!I think street boxing is still awesome!

:one of the 2 people I convinced to get a Newgrounds account!He is my (non)-internet freind!who I convinced to get a newgrounds account.He still doesnt get some of the shit here on NG,So pm him and help him out.And If U fuck around with him,let`s just say,mess with a mamas bears cub ANd U get UR dick cut off>:)

killer789: A guy that likes to do spam number/letter pics like this ______________ .s$$_________
____s$ _______________s$$$?______s__
___s$³ ______________.s$$$_____.s$,
___s$$³ _____________s$$$$³______.s$__
_.$$³ ________, ____$$$$$.______s$³__
__³$ ________$___$$$$$$s_____s$³___
__³, _______s$___³$$$$$$$s___$$$, `
____.. _______$$____³$$$$$$s.__³$$s__
___, , ________³$.____³$$$$$$$s_.s$$$_
_________³$$s____$$$$$s$$$$__ s$$
______s.__$$$$___s$$$$$$$$³_.s $$³__
______³§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§³ (he spends way much more time here on
________³§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§³___newgro unds than me)
_________________³§³ and more crap like that!

evil-marshmallow :some guy who looks like a nerd(not realli him)And likes World of Warcraft
...A lot...Though I think he`s a faggle

ngfan14 : some girl who posted here once,AND as of yesterday,twice..Ooh...plus her videos R very retospectic, &if UR high,it seems like this,this light invites U into that world where U can fly!like the seen where Kenny goes to heaven and gets rejected!either way,go 2 third street and get some of that good shit Martinez just scored!U won`t regret it!!

Duiliath :like killer789 but can do names and is much better than him and anyone I know!
Oh and Duliath is his real name.He wrote my name!Post Three!(if U wanna see it go there or PM me.

nggangsterpimp :This is an easy one.A lot of U may know him,He also goes by da name,UMD! as tha founder of those videos,UMD!.......PSP,got it

hunte3r:or is it hunt3er?either who This man is the leader of the CPSO( CANADIAN PIE STEALING ORGANIZATION)of Canada,I too am a member of this organization,and is obbsess`d with wrestling,Which iz awesome!But its ppl like bigmac990 who gotta say its fake & kills the moment! !He also gets F`s in skool!

1337leader:I dunno,Just go to her userpage if U want to kno dat bad

Zero123Music:Tha best dam audio artist I kno,But Y dont U got any of his songs U say?Oh but I do!See U R here ya bastad!

nirvelyar :A freind/author,From U.K thats obbsesed with Kranny Bars.He is Car-azzy!

TonnFuIp :NO not TOM Fulp,but his Xtremely hot sister,TONN Fulp She could**** a****
and still****** my fave move of hers is tha ********* ^-^

These R just a few of the freinds I made Here on newgrounds,but......
In tha realm of making freinds,There R always enemys,........(or,"The Jackass List")

rtb427:rtb427,send him a message,waz a real dick about it.I warned him not to call me shit and I snapped! called him
an asshole and stuff.Apparently not knowing what idrfc makes me a stupid 9-year old.(if U wanna know wat it means,just ask,I wont call U a dumbass!So were at war And I promised to make a flash (umin out soon2-14-2009)

Phill Collins(philjc):I`m really not enemies with him,Even though he's a total jackass,I love his Ray flashes!

TheSilverGuitar: Some idiot who I trolled,Then he trolled me then He blocked me then his gay-ass kept posting on my userpage then now we`re ignoring each other but is still considered a hollow jackass....Now he still hates me, but my troll!But c'mon, He doesnt kno me,Its a god-damn computer, not a fuckin webcam or some other electronic shit!

ChDonga: some retard who thinks he is "all dat",hes a fuckin idiot!!And no albino titan,We`re not enemys,Hes just an asshole,UR such a god-damn square!

Soon I`m putting a picture of myself up there(as a matter of fact,I have) and whatever!And if U wanna be up here,Ask! more coming soon

And My favorite Band!there movie came out today,Or last year!whatever!<div class="blogmedia">

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And my fvorite song of My Chemical Romance(Again,the song), the video is...its kinda creepy,But if U don`t like it,Don`t tell me!

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And tupac is the shit!R.I.P. Brotha!

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Here it is!My favorite Rock song!It waz pretty hard 2 find since everyone who submitted this video disabled the embeded code!well! here it is,The great sounding of Audioslave

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Its a Party!

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I can relate to this

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Turrets isnt Funny,but Danny is....

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Danny,UR opinions of the goverment makes me see What UR talking about,Everyone,I leaned something today,And its this!

Ever played something that sounds great with something else..But first,If U think UR drivers ed teacher waz an idiot.U`ll get a load of this!

This chick is crazy!and by the way I see of the ppl reviewing,They dont even watch it,They idioically post,If UR reading thizz,UR freakin welcome! <div class="blogmedia">
<!-- Video embed code - don't edit this, or it will break and you'll have this ugly stuff in your blog post! -->
<div id="embed_48441">.</div>
<script type="text/javascript">/* <![CDATA[ */ $('embed_48441').update(new FlashWriter('http://www.youtube.com/v/
', 464, 305).ToString()); /* ]]> */ </script></div>

I Dunno....

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Another Goddamn List....
These R the ppl who (I know) blocked me!
.......................**TheSilverGuit ar....................................
.......................darknessdweller ......................................
...................Aaron Worrall (NegativeONE).........................
...................................joe lasticot..............................
...................................The ReturnOfTomsPulp
..K evnSevn


There were more,I 4got!
*ppl whove unbanned me!
**the ones who re-banned me

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I cant find da actual music vid.

Breakin` the ice...

Posted by danicos - October 27th, 2008

(WARNING,dont read tha whole thing if UR planning2watch tha movieJust post,thats wat reaalli matters,Even when U do watch it ,again,post= ) )I saw Tha movie Saw V, And By tha looks of it,IT seems there gonna Make A Saw VI,When R they gonna stop,Athoughn watchin` tha Gore Is pretty Awesome,And Every one from tha Last Saw died,(SaW IV)
Tha last Saw Survivor Waz a Cop,When He got off-duty, He knew who it waz but knowon believed him Because tha new Saw Guy Wazz A higher COP Authorizer(Peter Strahm) And then this other Cop tracked Strahm down and found evidence that Peter Strahm waz gonna Be tha New Saw, And in tha next game,He waz gonna be in it. =O And tha survivors where found half dead since there last task waz to pour ten pints of blood So they both do it But tha idot Guy Put most of His in And his fuckin` hand waz sliced almost in half. Back with the other cop, He went into a Room and tha last Saw left him a tape recording,Then Peter Strahm(the Dick ovva Cop) came in and they fought and threw him in a glass case that Saw left him, and he listening to tha recording and then tha room waz closing in on him and got CRUSHED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
u KNOW I bet they`ll even keep making Saw movies `till a tha actors R dead,Even tha famous 1`s

I Just saw "Saw V"(Spoiler)

Posted by danicos - July 2nd, 2008


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Posted by danicos - June 24th, 2008



Posted by danicos - June 4th, 2008

Heres something because no one will post here

P.S. Pico!
