Duuuude, what song is this
Duuuude, what song is this
lol you know what would've made this funnier xD
If he died :l
I cant actually let him die.....
I thought so...but
I'm using the same character for my future works...
Thnks for watching
Take off ze bra baby
Oh-ho i get it! :D no.
This is almost as good as friday! :D
I would have to disagree with hipstersnow---v
Everybody knows that Vegeta pwns! Even the weaker DBZ characters(like raddits) can conquer planets, This battle was on key since Vegeta can haduken Sonic's ass to the third dimension, what can sonic do? "oh oh i know, ill run! Yes i will run!" OMG Sonic is trying to flee, what will vegeta ever do? I know, i'll move at the speed of light!" BOOM, sonic's dead. Shadow got the chaos emerald? Vegeta, kick his ass. BUT ITS OVER 9000!!!! Ugh, fine, cell, kick his ass, k. BOOM your dead. Sonic blows, DBZ pwns you in any fight unless it's who can be the most annoying. If it came to a death match between everybody in Dragon ball land and everybody in Sonic fields, the only surivor would be Tails, and Buu would just turn him into chocolate and absorb his power. So yeah, those are the breaks!
That's what you get for refusing the call of the pokeball
Ooh gir!
He's pretty cute!
Who me?
WOW that was so ridiculous!...
That it was just funny lol! XD
OMG this is just terrible lmao
But I understand the message you're trying to portray here and just keep doin wat you do, theres this one dude who keeps trying to harrass me I think you shud talk to, he's here on newgrounds and just pisses me off! Again, keep doin wat you good sir, cause you talkin english, not "white"
"It's Just A Ride"
Age 29
is crap(V.O.P.)
Where the ionsAreNegative
Joined on 5/23/08